• I.C Gonzalez-Romero, S. Wogrin, T. Gomez. Transmission expansion planning under imperfect market competition: social planner versus merchant investor. (Enviado a Energy Economics). Haz click aquí para acceder el artículo
  • S. Lumbreras, S. Wogrin, G. Navarro, I. Bertazzi, M. Pereda. A decentralized solution for Transmission Expansion Planning: getting inspiration from nature. Energies. November 2019 Haz click aquí para acceder el artículo.
  • D.A. Tejada, G. Morales-España, S. Wogrin, E. Centeno. Power-based generation expansion planning for flexibility requirements. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems. October. 2019. Haz click aquí para acceder el artículo
  • I.C Gonzalez-Romero, S. Wogrin, T. Gomez. Review on Generation and Transmission Expansion Co-planning Under a Market Environment. IET Generation Transmission Distribution. Marzo. 2019. Haz click aquí para acceder el artículo.
  • D.A Tejada, S. Wogrin, E. Centeno. Opportunity cost including short-term energy storage in hidrotermal dispatch models using a linked representative periods approach. Energy.  Septiembre 2019. Haz click aquí para acceder al artículo.
  • I.C Gonzalez-Romero, S. Wogrin, T. Gomez. Proactive transmission expansion planning with storage considerations. Energy Strategy Reviews. Marzo 2019. Haz click aquí para acceder al artículo.
  • D. Yacar, D.A Tejada-Arango, S Wogrin. Storage Allocation and Investment Optimization for Transmission Constrained Networks Considering Losses and High Renewable Penetration. IET Renewable Power Generation. Noviembre 2018. Haz click aquí para acceder al artículo
  • L. Reichenberg, A. S. Siddiqui, and S. Wogrin. Policy implications of downscaling the time dimension in power system planning models to represent variability in renewable output. Energy. Septiembre 2018. Haz click aquí para acceder al artículo
  • D.A. Tejada, M. Domeshek, S. Wogrin, E. Centeno. Enhanced representative days and system states modeling for energy storage investment. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems. Abril 2018. Haz click aquí para acceder al artículo
  • E. Centeno and S. Wogrin. On the proper use of Net Present Value for Capacity Expansion Planning with Renewable Generation with Decreasing Investment Cost. (Working paper)


  • S. Wogrin, S. Pineda, D.A. Tejada, Applications of bilevel optimization in energy and electricity markets, in Bilevel Optimization. Springer Optimization and Its Applications, vol 161. Editores Dempe, D.; Zemkoho, A.. Ed. Springer. Cham, Switzerland, 2020. Solicita una copia aquí.
  • S. Wogrin, S. Pineda, D.A. Tejada, I.C. González-Romero, Transmission expansion planning outside the box: a bilevel approach, in Transmission expansion planning: the network challenges of the energy transition. Editores Lumbreras, S.; Abdi, H.; Ramos, A.. Ed. Springer. Cham, Switzerland, 2020. Solicita una copia aquí.