The STEXEM team consists of the following researchers:

Dr. Sonja Wogrin. (Principal Investigator). She obtained a Dipl. Ing. (5-year degree) in Technical Mathematics at the Graz University of Technology (Jun. 2008) and a Master of Science in Computation for Design and Optimization at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Oct. 2008). She obtained her PhD (Jun. 2013) at the Instituto de Investigación Tecnológica (IIT) at the Universidad Pontificia Comillas de Madrid, where she is also working as researcher (since May 2009). She currently holds the position of Associate Professor. Her research interests lie within the area of decision support systems in the energy sector, optimization and in particular the generation capacity expansion problem.

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tel: +34 91 542-2800 ext. 2717

Dr. Tomás Gomez. (Senior Researcher). He is a professor of Electrical Engineering at the Engineering School of Universidad Pontificia Comillas in Madrid, Spain. Currently he is the Director of Instituto de Investigación Tecnológica (IIT) at Comillas. He obtained the Degree of Doctor Ingeniero Industrial from Universidad Politécnica, Madrid, in 1989, and the Degree of Ingeniero Industrial in Electrical Engineering from Comillas in 1982. He joined IIT in 1984. From 1994 to 2000, he was also the Director of IIT, and from 2000 to 2002, the Vice-Rector of Research, Development, and Innovation of Comillas. Prof. Gómez has a large experience in industry joint research projects in the field of Electric Energy Systems in collaboration with Spanish, Latin American, and European institutions. He is a senior member of IEEE. From May 2011 to October 2013 he served as commissioner at the Spanish Energy Commission (CNE).

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Dr. Efraim Centeno. (Senior Researcher). He is a research and teaching professional with twenty five years of experience in the fields of Electric Power Systems and Electricity Markets Technical and Economic Analysis. Besides, he participates as teacher in the “Professional Skills Diploma” at ICAI and is interested in communication, learning, creativity, humor and their links with teaching and research at university.He is Electronics Engineer (ICAI), Research Techniques Specialist and PhD at Comillas Pontifical University. He was Associate Professor at Carlos III University (Madrid) and has made stays in France (EDF, Clamart, Paris), Argentina (Universidad de La Plata) and United Kingdom (Judge Business School, Cambridge University). He is associate professor at the Department of Electric Engineering of ICAI. He was Director of the Institute for Research in Technology of ICAI (Comillas Pontifical University) from 2010 to 2016.

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Mr. Diego Tejada Arango. (Junior Researcher). He received his BSc degree in 2006, from the “Universidad Nacional”, in Medellin, Colombia, in electrical engineering, in 2013 he obtained a MSc degree in electrical engineering at Universidad de Antioquia, in Medellin, Colombia with the GIMEL Group; he is working towards a MSc in Research in Engineering Systems Modeling at Universidad Pontificia Comillas, in Madrid, Spain with the IIT. From 2005 to 2009, he was a consultant engineer at Ingeniería Especializada S.A. (IEB), Colombia, from 2009 to 2011, he was operational analyst at Interconexión Eléctrica S.A. (ISA), Colombia; and from 2011 to 2015, and he was part of the Planning Department of “XM S. A. E. S. P.,” Colombia. Nowadays, he is Research Assistant at the Energy Systems Modeling are at the Institute for Research in Technology (IIT) of Comillas Pontifical University in Madrid, and student of the \”Official Master\’s Degree in Research in Engineering Systems Modeling\”. His research interests lie within development of modeling tools for the analysis and planning of the energy sector, in particular the generation capacity expansion problem.

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Mr. Isaac Gonzalez Romero. (Junior Researcher). He obtained his B.Sc. in Economics (2013) and in Maths (2014) at Colombian School of Engineering «Julio Garavito». In 2017, he completed the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master EMIN consisting of a Master’s degree in the Electric Power Industry from Comillas Pontifical University (Spain) and a Master in the Network Industries and Digital Economy from Paris Sud University (France). He worked one year in the Colombian ISO (XM) on hydrothermal coordination topics and had a six months internship in the French DSO (Enedis) on residential demand simulation. Currently, he works as a research assistant in the IIT in the areas of generation and transmission expansion planning.

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Juan José Valentín Vírseda obtained the Degree in Energy Enginnering at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) in 2017 and a Master of Science in Sustainable Energy at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) in 2020. He worked as an engineering intern in Arup, performing energy efficiency and sustainability tasks. Currently, he is a research assistant at the Instituto de Investigación Tecnológica (IIT), in the Energy Systems Modelling area.

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